Here's my first attempt at pushing the user button to blink the red LED on a STM32F4 Discovery board, using AdaCore's GNAT Community Edition.
What you need:
STM32F4 Discovery board
GNAT Community Edition (download and install both the compiler toolchain and the arm-elf)
Ada Drivers Library with examples
It's been a while since I had my STM32 boards installed on my computer, so you may (or may not) need to install a driver for the ST-LINK/V2 programmer...
1. Connect the board, you should have a STM32 STLink device.
2. Start GPS (GNAP Programming Studio).
3. Open one of the examples from the Drivers library / examples / STM32F4_DISCO.
4. Edit main.adb and replace all text with the following source code.
5. Click the Flash to Board icon.
6. Enjoy :)
What you need:
STM32F4 Discovery board
GNAT Community Edition (download and install both the compiler toolchain and the arm-elf)
Ada Drivers Library with examples
It's been a while since I had my STM32 boards installed on my computer, so you may (or may not) need to install a driver for the ST-LINK/V2 programmer...
1. Connect the board, you should have a STM32 STLink device.
2. Start GPS (GNAP Programming Studio).
3. Open one of the examples from the Drivers library / examples / STM32F4_DISCO.
4. Edit main.adb and replace all text with the following source code.
---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- Testing user button and red LED on STM32F4 Discovery board -- -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- with Ada.Real_Time; use Ada.Real_Time; with STM32.Board; use STM32.Board; with STM32.User_Button; procedure Main is procedure My_Delay (Milli : Natural); procedure My_Delay (Milli : Natural) is begin delay until Clock + Milliseconds (Milli); end My_Delay; begin Initialize_LEDs; STM32.User_Button.Initialize; loop if STM32.User_Button.Has_Been_Pressed then STM32.Board.Red_LED.Set; My_Delay (100); STM32.Board.Red_LED.Clear; end if; end loop; end Main;
5. Click the Flash to Board icon.
6. Enjoy :)
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